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Mr. Masa Okude

Representative of SOZO
Church of Praise International Pastoral Team/Worship Leader
Burn 24/7Director

Masa Okude is a next-generation messenger, worship leader, musician and artist. He grew up listening to traditional Japanese musical instruments from his mother, who was a koto and shamisen teacher. After living in Hawaii, he studied music and dance in New York before returning to Japan. After returning to Japan, he attended a Bible school while working as a dance school instructor. Currently, while leading people as one of the pastor team of the church, my mission is to speak the word of God and play the melody of heaven. etc. are active in the world.
The music brings a momentary heavenly atmosphere to the place, creates joy and excitement, and touches people's hearts. Passionate about improvising and playing heavenly melodies that sound prophetic at that moment, in that place, he has created many unique and new songs that have never existed before. Workshops, lessons, seminars, etc. are held in various places and many people are building up. At SOZO, where he is the representative, he is also engaged in creative activities of design and art. In order to convey God's voice to people, we are developing a supernatural outreach "prophet shop" nationwide. In 2013, the first album "NEW BREED" was released. 2015 Released "KINGDOM NOW" and "Prayer of the Tabernacle". Released new single "Like A Child" in 2016 with PV. Participated in and produced many other live performances and tours.


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